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Amigaguide Document
100 lines
@database 0118dd70-2
@master XanimGUI.guide
@$VER: 1.0
@remark Created with Heddley v1.1 (c) Edd Dumbill 1994
@node "Main" "XAnimGUI.guide"
Welcome to XanimGUI.guide
@{"Introduction" link "Introduction" 0}
@{"Requirements" link "requirements" 0}
@{"Installation" link "installation" 0}
@{"Usage" link "usage" 0}
@{"Betanotes" link "betanotes" 0}
@{"Authorinfo" link "author" 0}
@{"Legalwranglings" link "legal" 0}
@node "Introduction" "Introduction"
Xanim as you know is a bloody complicated program. It has more Arguments
than a Chelsea football match and it's a pain in the ars finding out which
does what.
Everybody wanted to write a GUI for it but I got there first. So here it
is. A simple GUI interface that let's you select various options and executes
Xanim for you.
NICE!!! :)
@node "Installation" "Installation"
Installing that wonder of gems that is XanimGUI is easier than something
that's dead easy. Simply pop XanimGUI wherever you want and it'll run (or
should). Xanim (binary) must be in your path somewhere , preferably C:
The only strict requirement that must be met is that XanimGUI MUST be in
your computer somewhere. Putting XanimGUI on a floppy disk and leaving it on
the windowsill won't work. The DTCRCS or Disk To Computer Remote Connection
Stabiliser is not yet fully functional and is disabled in this version. The
main structure for this facility is in place and should be up and running in
Then you can bury XanimGUI in your aunties back garden and run it without
telling her. hehe. Imagine her surprise when she finds out.
XanimGUI to anywhereyoulike:
Xanim (binary) to C:
@node "Requirements" "Requirements"
XanimGUI requires at least AmigaOS 2.04 . Due to the absence of Gadtools I
doubt it would work on earlier releases. If it does then let me know.
You also need Xanim6.lha or Xanim8.lha from gfx/show on Aminet.
See the Xanim documentation for requirements for the Xanim binary itself.
@node "usage" "usage"
XanimGUI Usage
A doddle this program. Simply start the program by double clicking on it's
icon (did I really have to say that?). Click on the G button at the lower left
and an asl requester will appear. Click on the anim/pic you want to show and
click on OK.
Select what options you want to invoke Xanim with. NOTE: some colour
options I think will clash with others. See the Xanim8 documentation on what
the available options do.
Click on PLAY and away you go.
Easy peasey, lemons make me queezy.
@node "betanotes" "betanotes"
This is a beta version simply because it may not be finished. I am not a
regular user of Xanim only because I hadn't written this utility yet. I would
like any regular users of Xanim to write and tell me their thoughts on
XanimGUI. What options are missing? should some be taken out? that sort of
thing. Bug reports should also be mailed to the contact address under
At the moment the Audio Volume and Frameskip sliders are disabled. I do not
have an anim with audio at the moment to try these out. Dunno what to set the
scale to actually. :)
Unfortunately due my high metabolic rate, my hyper attitude to life and the
far too fast efficiency of the Amiga OS I've accidentally deleted the
gadttoolsbox template for XanimGUI. This means that no other Gadgets will be
added to this program but I WILL , given enough interest, alter existing
gadgets to use other options.
If there is an option that you use regular and it is not included then
write and tell me and I will consider it for inclusion (at the expense of an
existing option).
PLUS: Will someone tell me if it is possible to get Xanim to play
an IFF anim with the correct palette. I cannot do it. ;)
@node "author" "author"
Author contact info
Author: Brian Skreeg
Email: fishtech@ozzy.demon.co.uk
@node "legal" "legal"
Legal Information
XanimGUI and any documentation included in the archive
is copyrighted to Fish technologies Ltd.
This archive may only be spread from Aminet whilst in
it's beta form. It may not be uploaded anywhere else
without the author's permission.